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Conversations about City-building at the intersection of planning and engineering. Michelle Berquist, Rob Muir and Muneef Ahmad reflect on stories behind-the-scenes of "Plangineering" projects.

Apr 9, 2020

The Plangineers engage experts Sven Beiker and Gary Hsueh to explore the world of autonomous vehicles.

Dr. Sven Beiker is Managing Director of Silicon Valley Mobility

Gary Hsueh is Director of Mobility Programs at Prospect Silicon Valley

In part 2 of this 2-part interview, Michelle and Rob continue their conversation...

Apr 9, 2020

The Plangineers engage experts Sven Beiker and Gary Hsueh to explore the world of autonomous vehicles.

Dr. Sven Beiker is Managing Director of Silicon Valley Mobility

Gary Hsueh is Director of Mobility Programs at Prospect Silicon Valley

In part 1 of this 2-part interview, Michelle and Rob engage with Sven and Gary who...