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Conversations about City-building at the intersection of planning and engineering. Michelle Berquist, Rob Muir and Muneef Ahmad reflect on stories behind-the-scenes of "Plangineering" projects.

Feb 6, 2018

Lesley Pavan, Director of Design and Development at the City of Mississauga shares her insights into the lifestyle choices on offer in the rapidly urbanizing city where she both works and lives.

Lesley speaks to us about...

Her path from humble roots on the farm, to geographer and through a municipal journey to her role...

Jan 2, 2018

The Plangineers talk about ingrained falsehoods and the challenge of living up to our professional duty

Factual review of engineering data is found here relating to the fact that storm intensities have not increased

Rob shared data and engaged specific outlets to expose falsehoods. In this article from Canadian...

Nov 14, 2017

A “Millenial” is defined as someone born between 1981 - 1997. Our Millenial Planner, Michelle, and Gen X-er Engineer Rob, share their perspectives on the topic of the “Millenial experience,” and challenge the current narrative.

Age-ism is a recurring and troubling theme as is the reality of how it may be...

Jul 16, 2017

The Plangineers talk about how the input of technical experts can help round out storytelling to add the "why" to the "who cares?"

(Sorry for the confusion in the intro...this is actually episode #5, you're right.)

Reporting on the GO Train flooding of 2013 may have exaggerated the frequency of this occurrence

Check out...

Jun 4, 2017

Check out what went down at ArtWorkX by clicking here