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Conversations about City-building at the intersection of planning and engineering. Michelle Berquist, Rob Muir and Muneef Ahmad reflect on stories behind-the-scenes of "Plangineering" projects.

Dec 18, 2018

Desmond Cole, award-winning journalist, activist and author, speaks to the Plangineers on the heels of his opening keynote at the Future Cities Canada Summit, held November 7-9, 2018 at Evergreen Brick Works in Toronto. Click here to see his intriguing presentation.

He points to segregation within the City of Toronto...

Oct 31, 2018

Jo Flatt, Senior Lead of Policy & Partnerships at Evergreen speaks to us about the Future Cities Canada Summit.

Future Cities Canada is a new national collaborative that aims to accelerate urban innovation to transform cities for the benefit of us all.

The Summit takes place from November 7-9, 2018 at Evergreen Brick...

Sep 26, 2018

Alex Lenarduzzi, Water Resources Engineer at Conservation Halton shares her thoughts on the role of the natural environment and how it co-exists with the urban environment.

We talk about:

Differences and similarities between practice in the public and private sector

The lingering impacts of extreme weather and the human...

Aug 28, 2018

In our second episode ever, “Good, or good enough?” Michelle and Rob discuss how paradigms were broken for the revolutionary Deep Lake Water Cooling system.

Our ancestors first form of “district energy,” sharing fire in a cave

Vancouver’s Olympic village district energy system

Sustainable development at...

Jul 24, 2018

The Plangineers talk about the illusions and realities of public consultation.

Rob explains the methods by which we gather and consider various points of consideration when undertaking city-building initiatives.

Dialogue revolves around engaging early and often.

Michelle shares the pizza analogy of consultation.

We talk...